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Bobbing for Apples

September, that season of change. Aside from the thermostat going up and down throughout the day and wreaking havoc with wardrobe choices--what else does it have in store? Small inconveniences mask a time of beauty and appreciation.

We’ve crossed the fall barrier—the first one that is. What barrier am I referring to? The one where Mother Nature hasn’t decided if she’s fully committed to the idea of fall or not, so just to keep you on your toes, she makes it fall early in the morning and summer by mid-morning. Then if you stay up long enough, she’ll feel guilty and cool the hot slap off by late evening. It feels perfectly lovely in the evening; the mosquitos think so too. Their invitation has not been rescinded as of yet.

The daily calisthenics of jackets on and off, to cardigan or not to cardigan, light long sleeves that you push up well before noon—have officially begun. You start questioning your life—err, style--choices as sweat beads and trickles through your garments. As if hearing your grumbling, a breeze with the faintest hint of chilly tendencies swirls and dances past. Was that laughter too? Ugh, she’s such a tease.

We’ll go through several iterations of this nonsense. Unending summer for a week, then a few crisp fall days, then back to summer. And just so we don’t get used to THAT, there will be a multitude of days with both seasons in a 24-hour period.

Does Mother Nature need an intervention? Guidance from her family and friends? She must make better life choices. After all, consistency is key.

But amidst all the back and forth in the closet—we’ll find time for pumpkin patches, county fairs, fall festivals, and haunted houses. Corn mazes, hayrides, farmer’s markets, and rodeos too. Hair plastered to our forehead, we will seize the apple, cinnamon, pumpkin, and caramel flavors and scents exploding at a store near you. The proverbial offering if you will.

And of course, we can’t pass by bags and bags of candy galore and not get a little treat for ourselves. We are, after all, only human.

We will gather together, restaurant patios will fill, leaves will release their brilliance. We will breathe it all in. Every. Single. Moment.

My tribe of fall-lovers, we will suffer through the interminable time of summer and the following indecisiveness. Fall is upon us, regardless of the mercury’s reading.

But above all else, we will enjoy it like the toothless grinning children we once were.

After all, even a horse can’t pass up bobbing for apples.

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Charlotte A. Cason
Charlotte A. Cason
Sep 15, 2022

You nailed it, Mother Nature is all over the place this time of year. In Nebraska we had 4 wardrobes for the 4 seasons, now here in Fl. I have two, Spring/Summer, Fall Winter, but of course we just have perpetual summer so I can wear all my wardrobes year round. I so miss the changing of the seasons, the trees in full color, and the thrill of the first snowfall, and all the others too. The saying is true, once a Nebraskan, always a Nebraskan! Grin.

Holly Bills
Holly Bills
Sep 25, 2022
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Fall is my favorite season, I just wish the back and forth between summer and fall would settle down a bit! 🙃

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